Men: How to Take Good Care of Your Penis

For men, sexual wellness is paramount. They need to feel that their penis is in good working order in order to protect their mental and emotional wellbeing. The truth is, men, that in order to preserve your sex life, you really need to take care of your penis.


Every day, men who are uncircumcised should pull back the foreskin that covers the head of their penis, and wash around the top. If this is not done, yeast infections and other problems can develop. Men who are circumcised should also give the area a good wash.


The good news is, sex is also recommended for the health of your penis. To keep your privates in good working order, it’s a wise idea to give them a workout at least once a week. This flushes the system with blood, which nourishes, oxygenates and promotes wellbeing in the area. It also boosts prostate health and sperm production. If intercourse is not possible, men should consider giving themselves a manual release.


Men should also not forget about their testicles either. Once a month, after a warm shower or bath (which relaxes the scrotum), men should gently roll each of their testicles between their fingers. They should find that each one is oval shaped and smooth, and feels kind of like a peeled boiled egg (but hopefully not as big) If you find anything unusual in the way of lumps or bumps, you should go to the doctor and get checked out immediately. Testicular cancer has a 97 percent cure rate if it is caught early, so it’s vital that you don’t ignore any warning signs.


Once a year, when you reach the age of 40, you should ensure that you visit the doctor for a prostate check.

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