Accident Timeline: When To Seek Medical Care


Many people make the mistake of assuming that they are okay after a car accident because they do not feel any immediate pain or other symptoms. However, it is imperative to always get yourself checked out after you have been involved in a traffic incident because many injuries will not make themselves immediately known.


In fact, some of the most damaging injuries can be hidden at first due to the fact that you will have a high level of adrenaline coursing through your body. However, according to one New York accident lawyer, ”seeking medical attention is important whether you feel as if you are hurt or not.”


Top Reasons to Seek Immediate Medical Care


1. Head Injuries – It is common for people who are suffering from a concussion or a more serious traumatic brain injury to be unaware that anything is wrong during the immediate aftermath of being injured. Because of this, you could inadvertently cause yourself to suffer from brain damage or even end up passing away as a result of your injury. Fortunately, the majority of these potential issues can be avoided if you simply go to a medical professional immediately after the accident for a quick checkup.


2. Back and Neck Injuries – Although many people will immediately feel pain or stiffness in their neck or back after an injury, it is also relatively common for people to walk away from an accident without noticing that they have any injuries until the next day. Again, this is cause by the adrenaline factor, and there is also some evidence to suggest that there are certain hereditary factors that can have an impact on how long it takes for an individual to begin feeling pain after sustaining certain injuries.


3. To Secure Your Legal Rights – Even if you feel completely fine after a traffic accident, you should still take the time to get verification that nothing is wrong from your doctor. If you fail to do this, you could end up being forced to deal with all of your medical expenses later on if you do end up developing issues from the incident. After all, if you do not have solid medical proof that your injury can be directly traced to the accident, it could become impossible to file a successful lawsuit against the responsible party.


4. Consider Your Family’s Needs – What would happen to your family if you were suddenly unable to work? The odds are high that this would cause them to deal with financial issues, and this alone is a good enough reason to receive immediate medical attention so that you will be properly prepared if it becomes necessary to take legal action.



As you can see, there is no good reason to avoid getting a medical checkup after you have been involved in a traffic accident. Keep in mind that this will give your family peace of mind, and it will provide you all of the necessary medical documentation if you end up needing to file a lawsuit. It is also important to contact an accident lawyer right away if your doctor determines that you have suffered from a serious injury as a result of an incident that was caused by another driver.



Writer Melanie Fleury has been in accidents and made the mistake of not getting medical care as quickly as she should have. One New York accident lawyer says that “getting proper medical attention is vital to your health and your case”. If you don’t seek medical attention quickly after your accident it can affect the compensation that you are entitled to.



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