What Everyone Should Know About Withdrawal Method
The withdrawal method, or coitus interruptus as it is properly known, is a method of contraception. A commonly understood sexual term, the name means pulling the penis out of the vagina before ejaculation, to prevent unwanted pregnancies from occurring. It has been described as easy and convenient by some, and as dangerous and unreliable by others, but what is the truth about this method, can it affect your wellness and wellbeing and, most importantly, can it lead to pregnancy?
The method is commonly used by people who either for philosophical or health reasons are unable to use condoms or hormonal contraception. It can also be used when someone becomes involved in sexual activity but does not have another form of contraception available. It can also be used if you are transitioning between methods of birth control.
The best thing about this method is that anyone can use it anywhere at any time. You don’t need any preparation and there is no financial outlay required. Also, the lack of chemicals or hormones involved in this method can be a big plus, especially for those who are averse to the idea of putting hormones into their body. There are no side effects to the method.
On the other hand, although fairly safe, this method is not totally infallible. Some men miscalculate when they are going to orgasm and start their ejaculation whilst still inside the vagina, before pulling out. If the female is ovulating at the time, she can then become pregnant. This method also does not protect against sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
In order to make sure that you are protected against unwanted pregnancies, this method should be avoided during the time of ovulation. Men should also pull out as soon as they feel that they are close to ovulating, in order to prevent accidental ejaculation.
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