A Big, Fat Confusion?

Fat is an important part of your diet, providing energy and building blocks to make brain cells, cell membranes, sex hormones and even vitamin D. But knowing which types of fat to select, and which to avoid can be confusing. As in all aspects of a healthy diet, balance is key and dietary fats are no exception. Here’s what you can do:

  • Switch to lower-fat dairy products, like reduced-fat cheese, low fat yogurts, and skimmed or semi-skimmed milk to reduce your intake of saturated fats.
  • Swap butter for small amounts of spread or margarine as this can help reduce your saturated fat intake. Spreads are also fortified with other vitamins and can help supplement your diet with key nutrients. Additionally, spreads made from seed oils contain essential fats, omega 3 & 6, which are fats that your body cannot make.
  • Choose lean cuts of meat, poultry or oily fish rather than fatty or processed meat products. Make sure you trim any excess fat and remove the skin from chicken before cooking.
  • When you do roast or fry food, try replacing your olive oil with low fat oils or spreads – some have 45% less saturated fat than olive oil.

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