How Do You Choose a Sex Toy that Suits You as a Couple?

There are almost too many sex toys on the market to count, so how do you choose the one that will best enhance your sexual wellbeing? The truth is, a lot of products do the same thing, with many couples choosing some sort of variation of the vibrator, dildo, lubricant, massage tool, lingerie, and/or restraint. Award-winning wellness writer and sexual health expert Eve Marx, MA, notes, ‘If you’re fortunate enough to live in or near an urban area where together you can cruise a sex shop, its a fun thing to do together as a pre-sex warm up. And unlike so many other shopping experiences, you’ll find the sales staff at most sex shops to be relaxed and knowledgeable. Failing that, the next best thing is shop online, where you’ll find a veritable virtual mall of retail enterprises devoted to enhancing human pleasure.’ Let’s look at what’s available in a little more detail:


1. The Rabbit Vibrator: According to Marx, ‘A Rabbit Vibrator is a vibrating and rotating sex toy moulded into the shape of a phallus with a clitoral stimulator attached to the shaft. The products name comes from the fact that it actually looks quite a bit like a pair of rabbit ears. But don’t be put off by the silly name. The Rabbit is one of the world’s most popular vibrators and it is very easy to find. It’s so accepted and mainstream in fact, you can order it from Amazon! How to use? Women can use it on themselves either to warm up or finish off, or, if she is feeling uninhibited, in front of her partner while he or she watches. Or he can use it on her. The options are endless.’


2. The Perfect Boyfriend: ‘The Perfect Boyfriend is a very pliable dildo made of medical grade silicone,’ Marx explains. ‘Measuring six tall and with a diameter of two, the proportions are nearly perfect for most women’s taste. There is a four base that is flat, which makes the Perfect Boyfriend easy to hold on to or attach to a strap. This toy is very lifelike and fleshy and even has a nice scent. A man can use it on his woman either during foreplay or after he has ejaculated to finish her off, or as a credible substitute to penetrate her if the man has issues with erectile dysfunction.’


3. Glass Dildoes: There are many reasons why glass dildoes are he latest thing in sex toys. Marx points out, ‘They are made of medical grade Pyrex, are easy to clean, last forever, are hygienic, absorb no lotions or oils, and avoid all the allergy issues many people have either with silicone or latex. Also with glass dildoes you can get creative. They can be heated or chilled, and best of all, when you’re not using them, you can leave them out. They’re beautiful. Ornamental. And because they come in such a variety of shapes and colours, no one else need know what they are!’


4. The Natural Contours Vibrator: This vibrator ‘was created by erotic film director Candida Royalle,’ Marx details. ‘And she promises after years of research that her product is shaped for the perfect fit to a woman’s body. Natural Contours is small, discreet, quiet and powerful. It looks like a ladies shaver, which means you can travel with it and no one knows. The Petite model is especially small, which means it can be packed in a purse.’


5. The Three Ls: Marx adds, ‘Even if battery operated devices and Perfect Boyfriends are not your thing, you cant go wrong with beautiful underwear, a good internal-use lubricant, and a collection of sexy books. Reading a racy passage aloud in bed from a classic erotic novel is a wonderful, lo-tech way to kindle passion.’

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