Does Your Socioeconomic Status Affect Your Sex Life?

How much money you have could have an impact on your sexual wellness. This is according to a new study based on the first Spanish National Sexual Health Survey, which found that wealth and social standing mean a more satisfying love life. Those with a higher socioeconomic (SE) status were more fulfilled by their sex lives and protect their wellbeing by practicing safe sex – but why? Your SE status is based on your income, education and occupation, so how does this influence your sexual health?


The new analysis was carried out in 2009 and found that people with a lower economic status claim to be less sexually satisfied, particularly women. The first Spanish National Sexual Health Survey was carried out by the Centre for Sociological Research, but it is investigators at the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) who have analysed the influence of various socioeconomic factors on sexual health. The results of the survey, for which 9,850 interviews were carried out, revealed that roughly 95% of people were satisfied with the sexual relations they had during the previous year, and 90% claimed to be very satisfied or quite satisfied with their sex life in general. Moreover, while 97% of men and 96% of women claimed to be more satisfied with sexual relations they had with a stable partner, only 88% of men and 80% of women said the same of sex with a casual partner.


But what about SE status? Those with a higher socioeconomic status seemed to have a greater capacity for developing their sexuality in a way which is satisfying for them, and a better awareness of their own needs. Dolores Ruiz, the main author of the study, explains, ‘People of a lower socioeconomic status claim to be less satisfied sexually, which especially applies to women, who seem to be more influenced by these factors. People that have a more disadvantaged socioeconomic status tend to have less satisfying and less safe sexual relations, as well as suffering more experiences of sexual abuse. Furthermore, women usually suffer more experiences of sexual abuse than men and they claim to have less sexual gratification during their first sexual intercourse.’


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), sexual health ‘is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence’. The research also found that SE status affected how much people practice safe sex, with those at the lower end using less contraception.


The study also investigated experiences of sexual abuse. The results revealed that more than 4% of men and 6.5% of women have had some kind of sexual relation against their will during their life, while 1.6% of men and 6.1% of women claimed to have been sexually abused or raped at some time in their life. ‘Once again, it’s particularly women of a lower socioeconomic status who suffer more experiences of sexual abuse,’ says Ruiz. ‘It’s important to bear in mind that these women also might have more problems when it comes to contacting the various organisations that can provide help for them.’ The results of the study lead Ruiz to conclude, ‘There is a need to introduce public policies which aim to reduce socioeconomic and gender inequalities that we have found in sexual satisfaction, in the use of contraceptives and in abusive sexual relations.’

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