9 Tush-Toning Tips to Help You Firm Up Your Backside

With time, your backside becomes less and less ideal, but how do you improve your fitness in that area? With other parts of your body, it’s easier to do toning exercises, but how do you work your derrière? Luckily, Sports Nutritionist and Personal Trainer,Lisa Hostetter, is here to help you enhance your wellbeing, and firm up your glutes. All you need to do is follow her top tips:


1. Squats: ‘Squat, squat and then squat some more,’ Hostetter enthuses. ‘Squatting will give your butt a rounder and firmer shape. Go deep. No half ass squatting, this will limit your results. Make sure you go low enough to feel it in your butt. Do back squats. Back squats are great because they place more of the load on the hamstrings and glutes. Do front squats. Front squats place less emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings, but they will allow you to go deeper and force you to keep your core tight…The hack squat can be a good alternative to the regular squat when the squat rack is taken. Switch up your foot stance. Try a close or shoulder width apart stance. Go old school and do goblet squats. Goblet squats allow you to drop down deep. Be sure to push your knees out with your elbows for a deeper squat. You may get some odd stares at the gym, but pop squats and plié squats can do wonders for your butt. Both pop squats and plié squats also work your inner thighs.’


2. Deadlifts: According to Hostetter, ‘You can alternate between stiff-leg deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts. Deadlifts will give you a rock hard butt that you can bounce a quarter off of.’


3. Walking Lunges: ‘Do walking Lunges with dumbbells,’ Hostetter instructs. ‘The beauty of this exercise is you do not have to go to the gym. Grab a pair of hand weights and find an open space. For more of a challenge, do walking lunges with a barbell on your back. There is something to be said for a woman who can put a barbell on her back and lunge through the gym with confidence.’


4. The Bridge: Hostetter directs, ‘Grab a mat, lie on your back and do the bridge. The key to this exercise is to squeeze at the top of the movement. For more of a challenge grab a weighted plate and put it on your stomach.’


5. Leg Curls: ‘Instead of the seated leg curl, use the single lying leg curl,’ suggests Hostetter. ‘This move really isolates your hamstrings and gives you a firmer shapelier backside. Make sure to keep your hips on the pad to get the most out of the exercise.’


6. Clean Up Your Diet: Hostetter asserts, ‘By cleaning up your diet and limiting processed foods, your butt will get an automatic lift. Clean eating will help reduce body fat and give you a firmer toned look with less cellulite.’


7. Hydrate: ‘Keep hydrated,’ Hostetter advises. ‘As you age, your skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag. Keeping hydrated helps to tone and tighten up the skin.’


8. Work on Your Form: Hostetter notes, ‘Focus on the Squeeze. Squeezing during the movement can help you tone and shape the muscles you are working.’ She adds, ‘Aim for higher repetitions, enough reps to feel a burning sensation in your butt. Shoot for 15-20 repetitions. When you can easily hit all 20 repetitions, it is time to increase the weight.’


9. Rest: ‘Allow for adequate rest between workouts,’ Hostetter recommends. ‘This will allow your muscles to fully recover, and you will be more likely to have a stronger session the next time you are in the gym.’

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