Business Owner: 5 Ways to Relieve your Financial Stress

Owning a business can provide you with a lot of financial and emotional rewards, but it can also leave you dealing with a high level of financial stress if the company has a difficult time paying all of its bills. Unfortunately, the stress that this situation causes can lead to a wide variety of health issues, including high blood pressure, digestion problems and an increased risk of suffering from a stroke.


Therefore, it is imperative for all business owners to utilize techniques for keeping their stress at a minimal level, and this can partially be accomplished by placing an emphasis on reducing their company’s expenses. The following are some methods that can help alleviate some of the financial stresses for a business owner.


1. Switch to a Virtual Call Center

One of the biggest expenses that businesses accrue is the cost of maintaining telephone service. Fortunately, you can easily switch to a VoIP provider to dramatically reduce this expense. There are also many other perks of making this decision, including access to a virtual call center and international toll-free phone numbers. These options will allow your employees to communicate with your valued clients from any location that has Internet access, and you will also be able to reach out to an international market without absorbing the cost that is typically associated with having a toll-free number that is accessible from other countries.


2. Institute a Wellness Program

Insurance expenses can place a major financial strain on your company, especially if your employees are not taking steps to improve their health. Additionally, people who do not focus on exercising and having a healthy diet miss a higher number of workdays each year. Due to this, it is becoming increasingly common for businesses to launch a wellness program that is intended to assist each employee with the process of switching to a healthier lifestyle. This will help relieve your financial stress, and it will also benefit you in many other ways.


3. Purchase Refurbished Equipment

It is understandable for business owners to be excited about the latest office equipment, but there is typically no need to incur the cost of these items. Instead, you should look into refurbished equipment that still provides you with all of the necessary options because this will allow you to cut costs and make it easier to get through each day without dealing with financial related stress.


4. Invest in the Training Process

One of the major complaints that workers have is receiving an inferior amount of training. This can quickly lead to high turnover, and it also becomes problematic when an employee makes costly mistakes because they were not properly trained. To avoid these issues, you should invest more time and money into the training process so that you can save both of these essential components in the long run. As an added bonus, this will let you avoid the stress of constantly needing to address employee mistakes.


5. Reduce Payroll Processing Expenses

Encouraging your employees to sign up for direct deposit or a pay card can help you drastically reduce your payroll related expenses, especially if you utilize a secured website to host pay stubs instead of providing your employees with paper copies. In fact, some companies no longer offer the option for paper payroll checks and stubs.



With all of these options available for reducing your company’s expenses, there is no good reason to allow yourself to become bogged down by stressful situations that could easily be alleviated. Therefore, you should take a close look at all of your current business bills to determine where you can cut costs to improve the health of your company and yourself.


Lisa Coleman shares several ways an owner of a business can lower their expenses to help alleviate some of the financial strain. She recently read about how international toll-free phone numbers can help save money when utilized with a VoIP provider.

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