How to Make Sure That the Sun Doesn’t Tan You

When it comes to anti-aging and the wellness and wellbeing of your skin, there is one tip that surpasses all others in terms of importance: stay out of the sun. Skin tanning has increased, especially as harmful UV rays start to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere more prominently. We’re not just talking about lying on a beach getting a deliberate tan, either. Tanning can occur when you are going about your daily life, due to the prevalence of these harmful UV rays. It is a problem for both men and women, and something that all people should be aware of at all ages.


To protect your skin from tanning, you should ensure that you put in place a robust skin care regime. Prolonged exposure to the harsh sun can cause burns as well as leading to sun spots on the skin, but there are things that you can do to reduce tanning. These are natural ways that do not involve using sun blocks or sun lotions (many of which are quite ineffective).


It is important to use a sun block or lotion whenever you are out in the sun, but it is not enough to simply rely on this to protect you from tanning. The easiest and most convenient way of protecting your skin from tanning is to cover it up. Cover your hands and legs and your face when you are out.


A decent scrub can also help to remove tan from the skin. Every time you have been exposed to the sun, you should use a good scrub to remove dead skin cells and tan. If you don’t manage to do this every day, then aim for at least once a week to get the tan off your skin. Do not bleach your skin – ever. When you bleach your skin and then expose it to the sun, you are actually more susceptible to tanning than ever before.

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  1. rt1412 says

    Gchhh bnn

  2. himmodi says


  3. Savii says


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