Anti-Aphrodisiacs: 7 Foods that Dampen Your Sex Drive


There are certain foods that can give your sexual health a boost. From dark chocolate to almonds, there’s a wide array of tasty treats that can help you to get in the mood – but what about the other end of the scale? Are there certain foods and beverages that actually diminish your sex drive? It’s important to know the foods that hamper your sexual wellbeing – including your reproductive health – or else they might cancel out the effects of your sex boosters. So, which foods and drinks should you strike-off from your menu when you are in the mood to spice-up your sexual appetite?

1. Artificial Sweeteners:
The aspartame found in artificial sweeteners causes trouble for your body’s levels of serotonin, which is also known as the happy hormone. This means that your mood and, as a result, your libido dips, and you’re less up for a night of passion. Moreover, aspartame has other side effects that impact on your wellness, including headaches, irritation, anxiety disorders and insomnia. At the very least, none of these things lead to a healthy sex life, so opt for natural sweeteners like honey or jaggery.


2. Cornflakes: Bizarrely enough, cornflakes were actually invented to serve as an anti-aphrodisiac. Dr John Harvey Kellogg, made this cereal as a part of a bland diet to lower people’s sex drive, so it’s best to stay away from cornflakes if you are planning a romantic breakfast in bed.


3. Dairy: You can cause a lot of damage to your body by eating high-fat dairy products such as cheese. While eating a little of these products is OK, overconsumption will cause your body to produce toxins that interfere with the production of the natural, mood uplifting hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. When such harmful toxins collect and build up in your body, it can even cause sexual dysfunction, albeit only in extreme cases.


4. Crisps: Whether you snack on crisps in the middle of the day or as a late-night snack, these can damage the tissues and cells of your body, along with your libido. As crisps and other similar snacks are prepared in rancid oils (read: bad fats) and heated at very high temperatures, they can interfere with your mood for love.


5. Coffee: While drinking your morning cup of coffee can induce a happy mood, having too much of it can spike up stress hormones, such as cortisol, in your body. The high caffeine content of coffee leads to the build up of stress and hormonal imbalances, so it’s best to stick to just the one cup in the morning, and switch to green tea after that.


6. Soya: For women, there’s no problem with eating soya – it is healthy and a good replacement for meat and dairy products. However, for the lads, soya can really interfere with your sexual function. The phytoestrogens found in soya compete with the male sex hormone in a big enough way that it can cause fertility issues, male breast growth and body hair loss. To sum up, soya is a strict no-no for men.


7. Fizzy Drinks: Not only does drinking fizzy and flavoured beverages on a regular basis cause fluctuations in your weight; it also has a negative impact on your mood. Aerated drinks can cause a number of wellness problems, such as obesity, dental cavities, diabetes, and more. Therefore, it’s clear for anyone to see that if you start suffering from these health issues then fizzy drinks are harmful enough to even cause a dip in your libido levels.


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