Psychological Disabilities: The Invisible Ailments


When many people hear the term“disabled,” they immediately think of individuals in wheelchairs, physical trauma victims and people suffering from other types of surface injuries. However, unbeknownst to many, psychological impairments can be every bit as painful as physical ailments. Because psychological disabilities aren’t as easy to recognize or diagnose as surface injuries, they are often overlooked by physicians and insurance providers. If you suspect you or someone you care about is suffering from a psychological handicap, make a point of familiarizing yourself with the most common types of mental illness.



General Anxiety Disorder


One of the most common forms of psychological handicap, general anxiety disorder affects individuals from all walks of life. People who suffer from this disorder are constantly plagued by worries about personal disasters unlikely to occur. In addition, many general anxiety sufferers live with an ever-present sense of worry interfering with their personal and professional lives. Everyone feels stressed sometimes, but if you’ve found yourself worrying relentlessly, general anxiety disorder may be to blame.


When it comes to treating general anxiety disorder, meditation and breathing exercises are an absolute must. Regular therapy and journaling can also help break this disorder’s hold on sufferers. If potential employers or insurance providers attempt to discriminate against you because you suffer from general anxiety, don’t hesitate to seek information on disability insurance from a reliable law firm.



Panic Disorder


With the hectic pace of the modern-day world, it’s no wonder panic disorder is on the rise. This increasingly common psychological handicap is characterized by sudden, long-lasting bouts of extreme fear. In some cases, this fear is a response to large problems, like unemployment, disease or financial ruin. Other times, panic attacks are brought on by seemingly inconsequential issues.


According to the National Institute of Mental Health, panic disorder is relatively easy to treat through a combination of psychotherapyand medication. Due to the calming effect of antidepressants, many therapists have seen success after prescribing them to patients suffering from panic disorder. For an extreme case of panic disorder, a therapist may prescribe beta blockers, which have been known to curb sweating, dizziness and other physical symptoms associated with this affliction.



Bipolar Disorder


Commonly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder causes sufferers to frequently alternate between elated and chronically depressed mindsets. A bipolar individual may be happy and full of energy one day, only to be overcome by feelings of depression and worthlessness the next. People who suffer from this widespread affliction often have a difficult time making friends and pursuing romantic relationships due to the unpredictability of their moods.


Fortunately, there are a number of ways to treat bipolar disorder. In addition to assorted medications, bipolar individuals can benefit from behavioral therapy and support groups. Like other psychological disabilities, stress reduction can play a large role in keeping bipolar tendencies under control. To this end, people suffering from bipolar disorder should get lots of sleep, exercise regularly and have a solid support network of friends and family members.



Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Not widely reported on until the late ‘90s, obsessive compulsive disorder, or “OCD,” is a psychological disability compelling sufferers to engage in repetitive behaviors in response to unwanted thoughts. For example, a person who suffersfrom OCD may obsessively clean her home in response to thoughts about the dangers of germs. In some cases, OCD sufferers are preoccupied with even numbers, symmetry and other forms of order.


Obsessive compulsive disorder can be a difficult affliction to treat. When seeking treatment, sufferers should look for therapists who specialize in cognitive behavior therapy and possess an advanced understanding of their disorder. Additionally, certain antidepressants have been known to lessen OCD tendencies.





Arguably the most common form of psychological affliction, addiction comes in many shapes and sizes. While many people associate addiction with drugs, tobacco and alcohol, this disorder encompasses a much broader spectrum of vices — sex addiction, food addiction and Internet addiction, to name a few.People seeking help for their addictions can find a wide range of support groups at hospitals, churches, community centers and recovery clubs. An understanding therapist and reliable support network are also important factors in kicking an addiction.


It’s naïve to think disabilities are limited to afflictions seen on the surface. Millions of people suffer in silence each day as a result of crippling psychological disorders. Forming a solid understanding of mental illness is the first step to helping yourself or a loved one recover.


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