Going into Labour: How to Spot the Warning Signs


Going into labour can be a big health concern, but how do you know when the time is coming? According to wellness expert Elaine J. Hom, ‘Every labour story is different. What one woman experiences can vary quite a bit from another woman, but there are definitely signs that can let you know if you are in the early stages of labour. Your body will begin to change weeks before the baby is due to arrive. A few subtle changes will begin to occur, signifying to you to prepare for the arrival of the baby.’ Let’s take a look at what you can expect when you’re nearly ready to give birth:


1. Breathing Troubles: ‘If you are far along in your pregnancy, you may have noticed difficulty breathing,’ says Hom. ‘This is because the baby’s pressure on your diaphragm causes you to be out of breath. But if you can suddenly breathe again, this means the baby has settled deeper into your pelvis and is preparing to make its arrival soon. Though the lowering of the baby makes it easier for you to breathe, you may notice increased pressure on your bladder, causing more trips to the bathroom. It may even change your pregnancy appearance.’


2. Urge to Nest: ‘Some women feel an urge to “nest” in the days before they go into labour,’ Hom notes. ‘Pregnancy is generally exhausting, but the nesting urge brings a new wave of energy. You may suddenly feel motivated to rearrange furniture, go shopping, make lists, and other productive tasks. But remember that you’re going to have a baby soon, so conserve your energy and don’t overdo it.’


3. Cervical Changes: Hom details, ‘The cervix will begin to stretch and thin, showing that the lower portion of the uterus is getting prepared for the deliveryprocess. A thin cervix allows for the cervix to dilate more efficiently and easily, so this effacement stage is a sure sign of upcoming delivery. Your doctor can check for this up to two months before the delivery date, and the effacement statistics are generally given in percentages. For a vaginal delivery to begin, a woman’s cervix must be 100% effaced. A bloody show, or the expulsion of the mucus plug, can show up days, hours, or even minutes before a woman goes into labour. However, this usually happens between two and six weeks before giving birth. This mucus plug is created by your body to protect the cervical opening from bacteria entering the uterus, keeping the baby safe.’


4. Water Breaking: ‘The amniotic fluid should not be confused with leaked urine, which is also a common symptom of pregnancy,’ Hom explains. ‘The fluid is clear and odourless — if you determine the fluid to be amniotic fluid, then you should contact your healthcare provider. The quality of the fluid is also important – if the discharge is green or foul smelling, this can be a sign of infection. 90 percent of women begin labour within 24 hours after their water breaks. The cervix will begin to dilate as it opens in preparation for the labour process. Dilation is measured in centimetres, and a fully dilated cervix is 10 cm (about four inches). Your healthcare provider will be able to tell you how dilated your cervix is, and when it’s time to prepare for childbirth. It is common for the cervix to begin dilation two weeks before active labour begins, often at one to two centimetres.’


5. Contractions: Hom instructs, ‘As they begin, record the exact time contractions begin and how long they last. They often feel like a lower backache that comes and goes, similar to menstrual cramps. In the early part of the labour process, contractions can be as far apart as 20 to 30 minutes. As the process continues, contractions generally occur at shorter and shorter intervals. At five minutes apart, the American Pregnancy Association recommends calling your healthcare provider.’

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