4 Effective and Natural Ways to Avoid Getting Cavities

According to research conducted by the United States, more than 50 percent of the population older than age 12 suffers from tooth decay. More than 85 percent of the people above age 20 currently suffer from some form of tooth decay. Almost everyone knows that brushing twice every day and flossing regularly are some of the best ways to avoid cavities. Aside from these age-old adages, there a few other natural methods that have proven to be effective in preventing cavities as well.

Stay hydrated
Most people benefit from using mouth wash regularly and drinking lots of water. Rinsing with water after every meal is a very easy way to remove bacteria, prevent cavities and tooth decay from forming. Drinking more water also helps increase the production of saliva. The saliva produced by the body serves as a natural protector for the teeth. Red wine also contains several chemical compounds that can help prevent cavities from forming.

Eat the right foods
Eating healthy and choosing foods that are high in alkaline, like raw fruits and vegetables, are effective methods to prevent cavities from developing. Individual studies conducted during 2012 indicate that licorice and coconut both have attributes that prevent cavities from developing. Foods that are high in fiber can help improve the supply of saliva in the mouth. Some of the healthy foods that are effective at breaking up the plaque that forms on the back of teeth include apples, nuts and cheese.

Avoid the wrong foods
Eating foods that are highly acidic may imbalance the body’s pH levels and prevent it from producing an adequate amount of calcium. Any foods that contain refined sugar have an increased propensity to create the plaque that leads to the formation of cavities. Frequent snacking can build up the amount of bacteria and acid in the mouth that damages teeth. Avoiding soda, cookies, chips, chocolate and foods high in carbohydrates is one of the most effective ways to avoid cavities from forming. Simply using a straw may help minimize the negative impact carbonated drinks can have on the teeth.

Choose sugar-free sweets
Chewing sugar-free gum is beneficial because it also stimulates saliva production in the mouth. Chewing gum may also help remove particles of food that have been left behind after the last meal. Xylitol, the natural sweetener used in many sugar-free foods, can also be beneficial in preventing cavities from forming as well. This natural sweetener can help prevent bacteria from growing inside the mouth.

There are many more remedies out there as well that you can try. Also be sure to consult a dentist when trying certain remedies as not all of them are for everyone. If you need more information about what you can do click here.

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