Want to Lose Weight? Here are 8 Healthy Tips to Lose Those Extra Pounds



You may have perused over every article on how to lose those pesky extra pounds. Unfortunately, things like the cabbage soup diet and eating grapefruit at every meal may not hold your interest. The following are seven healthy tips to help you lose those extra pounds.


1. Make Exercise Fun


Hitting the gym for an afternoon of sprints and lunges can get tiresome. However, finding an activity that instills fun and passion can help you burn calories, lose weight and keep it off. Activities that can take your mind off exercising can include martial arts, kick boxing, gymnastics, pole dancing, swimming and making love.


2. Fasting


Fasting can be a helpful way for you to get on the road to weight loss. Whether you do it once a week or monthly, a fast can help cleanse your body and rid it of unnecessary toxins. Since results are typically immediate, a person trying to lose weight can get a glimpse into their weight loss potential with every pound they shed.


3. Cut 100 Calories Per Day


The thought of dieting to lose weight may be enough to send any sane person into a tailspin. However, if you think about it in more manageable terms, you may find more success with the process. Cutting one hundred calories per day can equate to losing one pound per month without a lot of time or effort. Simple tasks such as substituting mustard for mayonnaise or switching from soda to water can be easy fixes.


4. Add More Steps


There are a number of gadgets on the market today that will keep track of the steps you take each day. Reaching a goal of 10,000 steps per day can equate to five miles of exercise. While that may seem unrealistic, you’ll be surprised at the motivation a pedometer can bring in getting a person to move.


5. Trim Portions


Trimming your portions by as much as 10 to 20 percent can help you get your weight in check. You can also use measuring cups and food scales to help monitor your serving sizes.


6. Go Light


You can save a significant amount of calories when you switch to lighter versions of your favorite foods. Reduced fat salad dressings, low-fat milk and non-fat yogurt are all tasty versions of their fattening counterparts.


7. Add Protein


Lean protein added to every meal can keep you feeling full and satiated longer. If you’re full, you’ll be less inclined to snack and overeat.


There are a host of fad diets on the market today that can contribute to a quick weight loss. However, the best way to lose those excess pounds permanently is by following the above healthy tips.


8. Go to a Medical Center


Another option, if you need help losing the weight is to go to a medical center. There are a lot of medical centers that have non-surgical weight lost programs around the country like HCG Chicago. These medical centers can offer safe and weight loss solutions that will help you reach your ideal weight.





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