If You Need Motivation to Exercise, You Can Find it Here!

You have probably been telling yourself all year that when the summer holidays arrive, you will be able to concentrate on your fitness. The problem is that when the summer actually arrives, there are so many other exciting things to do with your time that your wellness and well-being slip to the back of your mind and end up taking a back seat.


It’s quite normal to fall behind on your exercise regime during the summer, as many people don’t find time to exercise either because they are looking after children or going away on a holiday or even simply enjoying the warmer weather. However, it’s important not to allow yourself to slide too far. It’s worth reminding yourself of all the amazing perks that come with exercise and having this reminder of why you wanted to exercise in the first place will help you get back on the horse (or down the gym or on the road in your running shoes).


Firstly, exercise will make your clothes fit better. As your body tones up and skin tightens up, you will look nicer and feel nicer about the way you look. Imagine how much more you will enjoy the summer if you feel confident about your body in a swimsuit!


Exercise is also fantastic for dealing with stress. A workout relaxes your muscles and also floods your brain with happy hormones, which is the reason that you often find yourself feeling happy as you walk out of the gym after a great workout.


It may sound perverse, but exercise also boosts your energy levels. If you are feeling tired and run down, the best thing you can do is to actually do some vigorous exercise. Finally, exercise of course burns calories. Not only will this improve your health by reducing your body fat and your chances of getting certain weight-related diseases, but it will also make you feel less guilty about having that extra ice cream when the van comes round!

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