How carbohydrates can cause obesity

For those seeking a diet that can help them lose weight, carbohydrates should be struck from the list immediately. Although carbs are considered the prime source of energy for your body to function effectively, there are actually two types which can either help or hinder your weight loss which consist of good or complex carbs, and bad or simple carbohydrates – some professors actually advocate low carbohydrate diets in order to limit your risk of health problems such as diabetes.

Bad carbohydrates are found in refined food products such as white bread, potatoes, sweets, pasta, fast food and pastries. The carbohydrates in these foods turn to glucose almost immediately in the body, which causes a huge spike in your blood sugar levels. This causes your insulin levels to rise in order to cope with the sugar in your bloodstream. The usual result is that the pancreas tries but struggles to deal with copious amounts of glucose and this ends up being dumped into the fat cells, where it stays and causes weight gain and eventual obesity.

High carbohydrate diets were once promoted as being the ideal choice, but health experts have since changed their minds on this score – this way of eating is now linked with unhappiness and poor health. A low carbohydrate diet can help with feelings of sluggishness and poor health, as well as weight loss and improved vitality.

If you are looking to lose weight, as well as improve your general feeling of wellbeing, it is advised that you avoid simple carbohydrates, such as those found in biscuits or white rice, and replace them with healthier alternatives. Generally speaking, a high carbohydrate diet is packed with foods that don’t provide very much nutritional value and as such should be avoided for a healthier diet and more energy.

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