6 Strategies that may help you Stay-Slim

Have you ever looked at a slim woman and asked yourself ‘How does she do it?’ Through statistical analysis, Consumer Reports have identified the 6 key behaviours that correlate most strongly with having a healthy BMI. Why not try them and see if your wellness and weight control improves?


Firstly, 57% of the women analysed who were always slim reported controlling portion size at each meal, as did 62% of successful losers so portion control clearly shows great weight loss, and weight control results. Next, try limiting fat to less than one-third of your daily calorie intake. This strategy worked for 53% of successful losers and 47% of the always-slim, as they said they did this at least five days a week.


Eating fruits and vegetable was the third weight loss strategy that emerged from the analysis. Not only is getting 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day advisable for your overall wellbeing, but the analysis showed that the more days women did this, the lower their average BMI. The number who adopted this strategy accounted for 49% of successful losers and the always-slim. Also, include whole grains in your diet over refined grains as people with lower body weights opted for wholegrain breads, cereals and other grains over refined (white) grains more frequently than failed dieters.


Next, it’s not just what you eat, but where you eat it as the number of days per week respondents ate restaurant or takeaway meals for dinner directly correlated to their weight. Eat at home to stay slim, save money and spend more time with your family getting all the nutrients you need. The final strategy for success was regular vigorous exercise. A lower BMI was strongly linked to the type of exercise that increases heart rate for 30 minutes or longer.  The practice of strength training was also significantly more prevalent among successful losers (32%) and always-slim respondents (31%).


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