Can The Hawthorn Berry Improve The Health Of Your Heart?

The Hawthorne berry is a widely-used herb and extract used in alternative medicine, and has been used to help strengthen heart-function for some time. As a result of its popularity, several studies have been conducted to assess its effectiveness – producing different results.

Some studies have indicated that use of the extract can be positive, and in one study, 78 respondents with heart-problems were given 600 milligrams of the herb for eight weeks, as a means of assessing their tolerance to exercise.

During this period, there was a dramatic improvement in the respondent’s stamina and endurance-levels when exercising, with both blood-pressure and heart-rate reducing. In a similar study with a different sample – respondents suffered less from breathlessness and tiredness, and in a third study, heart-palpitations decreased as the heart became more efficient at circulating blood around the body.

However, in other studies, researchers were unable to identify any discernible benefit linked to the intake of the extract, which may have been caused by a range of factors, such as the use of the wrong type of plant being used, or by a difference in the way the extract is produced – rendering it useless. Whilst there are many plants that resemble the Hawthorne, only specific ones contain the nutrients that are effective in strengthening the heart. The ability of the Hawthorn to have a positive impact on health and wellbeing is also connected to the ripeness of its berries and the conditions in which they are cultivated. Cultivation methods are a crucial determinant in nutrient concentration and the lower the concentration, the less effective it will be.

These studies demonstrate that although they can be highly-effective, there is nothing standardised about herbal remedies and their effectiveness is determined by a range of factors. Other herbs that can be used to improve heart-function include green tea, grape seed and gingko – and like the Hawthorn, they need to have specific properties in order to instill health-benefits if you choose to use them.

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