Move Out Of Your Mind and Back Into Your Body

Have you ever got really upset over a situation, but looked back on it months later and forgot what all the fuss was about? Sometimes you can get so in your head about something that you can’t see it for what it is, or attempt to fix the problem. This can not only affect your mental wellness, but also, if the problem you’re focussing on is weight-related, your physical wellbeing won’t improve either. By getting back into your body, as opposed to your mind, you can lose weight and see clearly.


Firstly, you need to make the decision to get back in your body and back into the real world. By living in your mind, you are taking yourself away from the universe around you and you won’t find any providential help with your problems.  Next, you need to get grounded every day by putting your feet on the ground and visualising roots coming out of them and securing you to the floor. Let the energy surge through your body and feel your weight moving down.


Also, it’s ok to be a little bit selfish. Before you can change your body, you need to know it so take some ‘me’ time to just sit and connect to what’s happening in your body. How are you feeling? You might need to clear your schedule for a long weekend or even a week and just be you for a bit. Let the universe handle the rest for a bit.


While we’re on making big changes and becoming more aware, you might find that being back in your body will make you notice some different things. You might have different experiences and realisations. Make sure you have space to do this as part of your routine so that you can always connect to these things, and if your body shows you new changes to make then ensure that you make them. When you know your body, you know what it needs and you will then be able to proceed on a more effective weight loss journey, as well as get that mental wellness you’ve been missing.


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