How Practicing Yoga Can Alleviate Mental-Health Issues
Yoga has been proven to have a variety of benefits that can nurture your mental and physical wellbeing. As well as having a positive effect on stress, anxiety and depression its practice can also help people who suffer from conditions such as ADD and ADHD to help exercise control in their behaviour.
As well as yoga, the majority of exercises help prevent the onset of depression, and yoga is particularly effective at this. When a person combines deep breathing with yoga poses and mediation they are able to produce a more positive outlook by focusing on the positive things in their life and what makes them happy. This is achieved by a process of, “mental de-cluttering” in which negative thoughts are expelled from the mind and replaced with positive ones. It is also thought that yoga can influence the body’s internal body processes and regulate hormone release in a manner that elevates moods.
Yoga can also be highly effective in reducing stress which also helps to instill a sense of optimism and positivity in the participant. In some studies, yoga has been proven to help eliminate stress by strengthening the body’s cardiovascular system which can help the participant to feel more relaxed and calm.
Yoga is often recommended as a therapy for people who suffer from anxiety. By attaining a clear and undisturbed mental space, the participant is able regain control over situations that may feel over-whelmed by. As anxiety can also cause body pain, muscular tension, headaches, cramps and spasms this can be of tremendous benefit for your overall wellness.
Finally, yoga can help people with conditions such as ADD and ADHD by reducing feelings of impulsivity and hyperactivity. This can be achieved with techniques that help the mind to establish a closer relationship with the body- allowing for greater control, focus and concentration.
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