Why You Should Make A Resolution Even After New Years!

Almost everyone makes resolutions on New Years Day, but then again almost everyone fails their resolutions by mid-February. However, as you are still only a few weeks into 2013, there’s still an excuse to improve your wellbeing with a New Years resolution, and it could give you the push you need to achieve your weight loss goals.


Weight loss and better wellness are the resolutions that everyone seems to make, as it is a great opportunity to leave any failures in the past, and start fresh with a new year and a new you. New Year’s Eve is the time when motivation and desire is at its peak, as anything seems possible, but now it is, in fact, mid-January the party poppers have stopped ringing in your ears and you can think it through clearly. The new year might give you a push, but a clear head and realistic expectations also gives you a plan.


Presuming you haven’t partied very hard since New Years Eve, and you’ve now recovered, draw a line under that night as your final celebration involving unhealthy choices. Now it’s time to look ahead and make a commitment for this year. Set yourself the challenge of losing weight over 2013, or even over the first 6 months of it, and you might trick your mind into making sustained, long-term lifestyle changes. Being overweight doesn’t do anything for your physical, emotional or social wellness, and weight loss can boost your vitality, confidence and outlook on life.


The reason New Years diets fail so often is they are made when you’re on a midnight-high, and if you start them at all they’re generally too extreme to keep up with. To successfully change your weight you need to take baby steps, and make small, gradual but sustainable changes in a natural, healthy way, and this is why mid-January is the perfect time to start. Why don’t you try making a small specific resolution, like ‘I’m going to drink 8 glasses of water a day’? Then you can add another one, and another one and you won’t feel like you’ve failed when you can’t do one thing because you’ve made a whole pile of little but significant wellness changes anyway. Begin your 2013 now, and don’t wait for another New Years to roll around before you start living your life the way you want to.

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