Arm Your Immune System And Feel The Difference
Asthma is a chronic condition. There is no cure. It’s never been an entirely uncommon issue but it’s become entirely common in the last few decades which is thought to be because of certain advances which we’ve made. Higher levels of insulin and better standards of double glazing may have protected us from the weather but they’ve also made the air in our homes much drier. Warm, entirely dry environments are perfect for dust mites who love to snack on our dead skin cells and happen to be some of the biggest exacerbating factors for asthma. Their excrement contains a protein which can cause a massive allergic reaction or even bring about asthma in the first place, after prolonged exposure.
In a recent study which was aimed at replacing a lot of the vitamins and minerals which we no longer get in high enough quantities from our diets, scientists tried to show the benefits certain substances had on our bodies in terms of treating asthma. It was found that when children with asthma took a supplement which contained nutrients from fruits, vegetables, fish oil and probiotics their usage of their asthma medications took a sharp decline.
The main diminishing usage was in the inhalers meant to remove the imminent danger of an attack. This led the scientists to believe that the supplement actually lessened the incidence of attacks entirely and helped to protect the health of children from the ravaging effects of asthma. This was the opposite reaction to what other studies have shown fast food does to asthma, making it much worse.
Not enough is said for a healthy diet. Taking in the nutrients and vitamins your bodies need is the best way to fight against all diseases and illnesses because you’re essentially arming your body. You’re giving it fuel to power its own immune system and armour to protect it from the very worst of some conditions!
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