Which Sexual Activities Put you at Risk of an STI?
Having unprotected sex puts you at risk of contracting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI). The most common STIs are Chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhoea and HIV. Using a condom can protect you from contracting or passing on STIs, specifically during penetrative sex, whether vaginal or anal.
Many kinds of sexual activity bring a risk of contracting an STI if you don’t practise safe sex. If you or your partner already has an infection, you can pass that infection on through fluids – a man does not have to ejaculate inside the vagina to pass on an STI as even partial penetration can release fluids that may pass on the infection.
Male and female couples, as well as same-sex couples, practise anal penetrative sex.
This activity is one of the highest risk behaviours for passing on STIs because the lining of the anus is easy damaged, making infection more likely. As with vaginal penetrative sex, using a condom can protect you against infection.
Breaks in the skin can allow any viruses of bacteria to pass more quickly into the body. You’re at risk of contracting or passing on an STI during oral sex if there are any cuts or sores in your mouth or in the mouth of your partner, or if there are any cuts or sores in the anus or genital area. The risk to you is reduced if you’re the one who is receiving oral sex because there is no contact with the genital fluid of your partner but there is still a possibility of infection.
Common infections passed on through oral sex include hepatitis A, B and C. Cold sores are a common way of passing on the herpes virus during oral sex. Use a condom or dental dam as a barrier to protect the mouth and genitals during oral sex.
When the fingers are used for penetration, the risk of infection rises if you or your partner has any cuts or sores on the fingers. Wearing latex gloves can reduce the risk. Using sex toys carries a small risk of infection. Make sure the toys are kept clean and use condoms to protect yourself against any STIs.
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