The Illusion of the Quick Fix. What is a Diet Pill?
There is no magic thinness potion; it’s not that easy to do anything. Any pill or poultice which offers you amazing results fast will have a list of side effects as long as your arm and probably not even work. Companies are good at harvesting people’s dissatisfaction, a huge proportion of people are unhappy about their weight and as such companies have produced a range of things which are meant to help you lose that weight. Meant being the operative word in that sentence.
Now there are pills which can help you lose weight, I’m not saying there aren’t. What I’m saying is that, for the most part, a pill isn’t going to work on its own. You’re going to have to work at losing weight and this is where most people fall down, effort is hard. Nothing worth having is ever easy, it’s never free but it’s always worth it in the end. If you’re going to lose weight then you’re going to have to commit to it.
In extreme cases where obesity has gotten to the point where it’s actively damaging your health then you may be prescribed weight loss pills by your doctor. This will never happen on its own though, those pills will always be a part of a longer and more comprehensive weight loss plan involving diet and exercise.
Most of the pills work by inhibiting appetite so you eat less but some, more potent alternatives prevent fat from being absorbed the body as it should, causing it to be removed from your body in the usual way. As I’ve said these pills are a last resort and should never be considered as ‘short cuts’ to slimming down. The danger that they pose is very real and you could easily end up doing yourself so much harm than good!
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