Exercise And Life. How To Make One Fit The Other

If you’re trying to lose weight then you should know that the best way to do it is to find a good balance of diet and exercise which fits in well with your life. It’s no good signing up to gym if you’re not going to be able to spare an hour a week to attend it and there’s no point trying an all-salad diet if you hate salad and snack in between each one. It needs to fit around your life; you shouldn’t be trying to fit your life around it and a lot of people trying to lose weight struggle or fail because they simply bite off more than they can chew. Patience is a tricky thing but it’s necessary in weight loss, without it the whole experience can be very frustrating.

If you’re looking for ways to fit exercise around your day to day life then that’s fantastic, we’ve compiled a short list of techniques and methodologies just for you!

Walk or bike. Try not to drive everywhere. Cycling and walking are cheap, produce no noxious emissions and are great for you. Doctors recommend around 30 minutes of exercise a day, a 30 minute walk isn’t exactly taxing and it’s always easier to walk if you’re actively going somewhere.

Insert Exercise Here. If you’re doing something repetitive or boring, chores for example, then try making them just a little more strenuous. Do a lunge or six while hoovering or squats while you’re dusting those low shelves. Even pause for a little dance while waiting for the pasta to boil!

Television isn’t bad. But, sitting still is. If you’re lucky enough to have exercise equipment at home then use it while watching telly and if you’re not, consider a short walk instead of an episode of something. Remember that any exercise, no matter how slight, is better than none at all!

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