Yoga Is Exercise Too! Don’t Be Fooled By The Hype

People can be very stilted in their views on weight-loss. Even though this area is growing and becoming more complicated by the day, there are a lot of people who only trust the more traditional methods of weight loss and why not? If it works then why mess around with a good thing? There’s a simple answer to that, the same two techniques aren’t going to work for everyone and weight loss is all about finding something that works for you that you can stick to. It’s pointless forcing yourself to do something you hate as you’re not going to keep it up forever and when you slip up or get frustrated and throw in the towel all that weight you lost is going to pile back on.

One way to lose weight which many overlook is yoga. You’d think because yoga is relaxing and not as strenuous as running or swimming it would have less of an impact on your body. This simply isn’t the case however. Yoga focusses largely on strengthening existing or building new muscles and what you may not be aware of is how closely your muscles are tied into your metabolism. Essentially the bigger your muscles are the more energy you’ll burn simply moving about, this is known as a higher metabolism.

It’s not just yoga that can help you. If you think of your life and all the time you spend sitting down or driving from point A to point B, do you think you could be exercising in any of those activities? Walking instead of driving, dancing while no body is watching, lunging while hoovering or even jogging on the spot while watching TV could help give you that little boost in your weight loss goals. Any exercise is good exercise and any you’re doing when you generally wouldn’t be doing any is fantastic!

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