Super-foods To The Rescue!

There are all sorts of different kinds of food which we should try to avoid eating a lot of. We’re told they’re bad for us all the time and for the most part we’re satisfied with moderation but are unwilling to give them up entirely. That’s generally fine because, though eating a pigs worth of bacon would be bad for you, the protein and fat which bacon provides you can actually be good for you in relatively small doses.

All things in moderation and all moderation in abundance. There are some foods which are so good for you, so crammed full of vitamins, minerals and all things nutritious that moderation can be thrown out of the window!


These tiny berries make a fantastically tasty snack without any of the dangers that chowing down on a bag of crisps would cause. They’re full of antioxidants which fight the signs of aging, vitamin C which helps to keep your immune system in tip top shape and potassium.


A lot of you may not have heard of this supplement. It takes the form of a powder which is derived from a species of seaweed which is commonly found in Hawaii. It’s the next big thing in terms of new and exciting super foods and a three gram serving of spirulina contains more antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals than all of your five a day combined!


Popeye the Sailor ate a can of spinach and became stronger than he was before. He was onto something. It’s not going to give you miraculous muscles or superhuman strength but it could well help to keep you healthy a long way into your later years! Its chock full of minerals, vitamins and nutrients and has been shown to be incredibly beneficial to your blood pressure, muscles, bones and skin!


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