Keeping A Healthy Heart The Old Fashioned Way

Keeping a healthy heart is imperative to living a long and healthy life. Along with the brain and the lungs, the heart is one of the most important organs in our body and any issue with it, no matter how small can seriously affect your life. Ideally you’ll want to avoid any problems with your heart, simply because once it’s damaged there’s often no fixing it. If you consider running slowly but never being allowed to stop, just keeping going. Legs slowly pumping, mile after mile rolling under your feet. This is your heart, it never stops and even when you’re sleeping it’s chugging away. It needs to be loved and looked after and the earlier you start to take care the more profound the difference you’re going to make to your health and wellbeing.

People tend to underestimate how important what they’re putting into their bodies is. The fact is that everything we need to keep going beyond oxygen is something we’ve eaten or drunk. All our minerals and nutrients, all the energy we might need and all the components we need to be healthy have to be taken into our body through ingesting them. As such there’s nothing more important than your diet when it comes to keeping a healthy balance within.

One of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy heart is eat your five a day. That’s 2 ½ cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit every day. These can take any form you like but the less processing that has gone into them the better. Processing tends to rip the nutrients and vitamins from food, it might be tasty but it’ll also be terrible for you. Have an apple for breakfast with a glass of squeezed OJ, eat a salad if you can and make sure that half your plate is vegetables at your evening meal. After a week or two of doing this you’ll start to feel better in yourself and your heart will thank you for it in the long run!


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