Simple Ways To Slow Down Hair Loss

hair lossIf there are two things which the internet claims to cure more than anything else it’s erectile dysfunction and hair loss. There are hundreds upon hundreds of remedies, poultices, potions and therapies currently available for both conditions. The fact is that few if any have any directly medicinal benefit; they tend to be a massive waste of money. Any benefits you might think you feel or see could be entirely psychological too, that’s the power of the mind. Take something with the belief it will help to cure you of anything and it could if you believe hard enough.

While erectile dysfunction does genuinely have some treatments, there’s very little which can be done for male pattern baldness beyond buying a toupee. Whether you get to keep your hair or not is very much written in your genes. Some people lose their hair very early in life and others much later. Of course some are lucky and never lose it at all. There are things you can do to help delay the process however. Certain vitamins can help improve your skin and hair retention, though they won’t halt the process entirely.

–       Vitamin E plays a massive role in blood flow, specifically maintaining the blood flow to your scalp. A healthy scalp means that your hair will grow much more easily and is less likely to fall out in the first place.

–       Vitamin B is responsible for hair growth itself. Fill your diet with plenty of beans, bran, eggs, peas and carrots to get as much vitamin B as you can!

–       Pyridoxine, which is known as vitamin B-6 increases your red blood cell count. Lacking this vitamin has been shown to be a direct cause for hair loss in ladies.

–       Folic acid is used by the body to help repair the hair follicles themselves. Essentially it strengthens your hair from the roots up, making it much harder for it to fall out in the first place!

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