The Importance of Sexual Education In China
China is very quickly becoming a super power in its own right. It’s an industrial giant, if you consider how many items we take for granted have ‘made in China’ stamped onto them you start to realise just how massive this manufacturing potential is. Despite being hit by the recession just like everyone else in the world, China has remained a true force to be reckoned with. One of the most important things about being a rich and powerful country is being able to take care of your population. China has the largest population in the world and as such it will cost them a lot more to support so many people. Along with this is the Chinese government which wasn’t elected democratically and as such isn’t as obliged as our elected officials are to look after us.
One of the main issues for every country worldwide at the moment is sexual health. STD’s run rampant worldwide and the best way to halt that spread is through the use of education and contraception. A recent study has shown that the 161 million Chinese citizens between the ages of 15 and 24 are woefully under-educated in this area. Though sex education is now a mandatory subject in Chinese school this doesn’t guarantee knowledge at a later age. It’s not the mechanics of sex which these people lack knowledge of, it’s the variety of STD’s in the world and the various ways of protecting yourself from them.
Without the knowledge of protection, STD’s will run rampant in China and with such a massive population this could become an epidemic of near-global proportions. China has the man power and the resources available to it to put the correct measures into place, whether it will or not remains to be seen. Not doing so could have more of an economic toll than you might first imagine.
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