Lose Weight and Improve Your Spirituality Once and For All

What’s The Best Way For You To Gain Weight HealthilyThe aspect of “mind over matter” may seem like an outdated institution, but when it comes to weight loss, it might be the next best thing!

Spirituality embraces all aspects of yourself – your mind, your body and your spirit, which can all become a devastating force when they are all working together. In ten simple moves, you will be able to start loving life, yourself and those around you. Start being brave – know that you can do it.

Below are ten suggestions to get the ball rolling – don’t be afraid to try. The first step will always be the most important!

  1. Be determined. You’re going to do this. You’re going to succeed. Nobody can stop you – you’re a force of nature! Make it real. Make your desires happen.
  2. Measure your food intake. Rather than sit down and have big meals, have bug-bites during the day. If you are used to full plates of food, cut it down to half-plates. Give your body a chance to digest it.
  3. Visualise your ambitions daily. Imagine your body – every curve, every slender limb, each step with grace at your fingertips. That’s you! Wow! You are what you think – and that’s positive.
  4. Take regular exercise. We would love to get up and be instant goddesses, but even goddesses need to get out of their golden recliners. Grab some time at least 3-4 times a week and jostle yourself to weight loss.
  5. Do it your way: It’s your body, your rules. Research some ways to lose weight – have fun with it! Experiment to find ways to lose bulk on your terms. By researching solutions to losing weight, you will find some that fit with your time, tolerance and patience.
  6. Clean up! Although it might not be a popular alternative, colonic irrigation can jump-start your weight-loss. Your body will feel as rejuvenated as your motivation!
  7. Look into Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA’s) – did you know that there are foods that can help you lose weight? Also, drinks such as green tea and even coffee can help boost your metabolism and weight loss. Look into it – you might find yourself surprised.
  8. Two words: Olive. Oil. As mentioned earlier, olive oil is a MUFA – one of the foods that can help you lose weight. Instead of butter or cheese, sprinkle olive oil over vegetables to give your meal a saucy and healthy twist!
  9. Diluted Grape Juice – drink some before each meal and a few glasses before you go to bed. Give your body a little boost as you nibble down your favourite garnish.
  10. Balance out your Ying-Yang with fruit and vegetables. Refresh your mind and your body with in-season foods for a spiritual balance that you deserve.

Whether it is in the workplace or the hustle of home life, you deserve to love your body. Your progress will depend on your positivity and your exercise programme, but don’t lose heart – you can do it! Believe in yourself – and good things will smile on you. Start losing weight today!


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