The Male Orgasm: What You Need to Know

The male orgasm is as much of enigma as the female orgasm, so how do you know what information is vital to you? There are many facts surrounding the male orgasm, some of which could help you navigate this area of your sexual activity better. Here are the top facts involving climax for men.

1. The male orgasm generally lasts four seconds longer than a female climax, lasting on average 22 seconds. Of course, everyone is different, but men tend to last between 18 and 22 seconds. Kegel exercises are effective for both men and women and can help you gain a few extra seconds of pleasure.

2. The speed which sperm travel at is equal to that of a woman speed walking. During the ejaculation process, sperm can reach speeds of up to 28 miles per hour, though this is just an estimate. Once they’ve entered the vagina, though, they slow down to just 4 miles per hour. It takes them anywhere from thirty minutes to three days to reach the egg.

3. Athletes have long been of the opinion that sex before a big event could hinder their performance, but studies show this is not the case. When tested, there was no impact on sexual activity on strength, balance or aerobic power – in fact, some researchers have found that testosterone can boost your general health and energy.

4. Sperm actually only accounts for around two to five percent of the ejaculation fluid. The rest of the liquid is fuel for the sperm to aid their long journey within the female body. The seminal fluid contains cortisol, prolactin, oxytocin and serotonin, as well as estone and melatonin. Due to this, studies have shown that women who had unprotected sex could be happier than those who either abstained or used protection.

5. The orgasm and ejaculation are different processes, as one is simply a tension release and the other involves the release of fluid. Generally, these occur together but not in all cases. Sometimes, a dry orgasm can be a sign of alpha blockers causing a side effect – these are prescribed for urinary problems and cause a massive drop in semen release. Those with diabetes or neurological conditions also may find this happens to them. It doesn’t affect your ability to enjoy sex, it simply means there is no ejaculation.

6. Most of the time, the female and male orgasm feel the same. But in a study which asked people to describe the orgasmic sensation, more men described ‘shooting sensations’ than women.

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