Technology: The New Way to State Your STD Risk?

If you’re sexually active, getting checked for sexually transmitted diseases is important. A new trend seems to be emerging, though, which has seen many people sharing their results online. In an age when people share personal information at the click of a button, it seems that escaping the awkward conversation with new partners is now far easier. Text messaging your new lover is now all it takes to rid yourself of the conversation about STD results, without having to compromise with any risks through avoiding the talk. The new website,, allows anyone to request their STD results from their clinic or GP so that they can share them with a potential partner through a text or email.

Once you sign up to the site, creates a record of your details and personal information which is emailed to your GP. Each time the results come through, the user is able to send a one-time link to the individual of their choice. The site plays up t the share-ability factor, which is a shift from what is normally extremely private information. shares results for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, hepatitis C antibody, and HPV and hepatitis A vaccines, but not for HPV or herpes status. A site such as this enables people to stay on top of their results, as well as increasing the likelihood of people being open and honest about their sexual past which could lower the risk of developing diseases. The transparency that the site promotes helps to create more communication about sex.

The site coincides with the rise in people using online dating sites. With gay dating sites, the practice of stating one’s STD status has been commonly used for years, through stating if you are DD free – this stands for drug and disease free. As sites like this gain popularity, more people will hopefully engage in open discussions about their sexual health.

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