Summer Weight Loss Made Easy
With summer in full effect and beaches beckoning, people are scrambling to lose their winter coats before having to strut their stuff in a bikini or any other swimsuit for that matter. Summer weight loss is a priority for many people; however, every year it’s a struggle to shed those last few pounds. If your one of the people who falls into a summer weight loss frenzy every year, starving yourself or popping weight loss pills in hopes of slimming down for the beach, I’ve got some good news for you – summer weight loss can be easy! It’s as simple as making a few adjustments to your daily routine and before you know it, you will be the envy of all beach-goers!
Now, ideally you will start your summer weight loss plan about 6-weeks before your first trip to the beach. This will give you enough time to start seeing impressive results from your summer weight loss efforts and to actually feel as comfortable as one can in a bathing suit.
The first thing you will want to do to start your summer weight loss journey is write out your 6-week plan. You will need to write your current weight and your goal weight along with your intentions for diet and exercise. Start your summer weight loss journal so you can hold yourself accountable for the steps that must be taken to reach your goal weight. In this journal you will track your energy consumption – the food you eat; and your energy expenditure – the calories you burn.
The nutrition portion of your summer weight loss plan is not a starvation diet, nor is it a get skinny quick scheme. Your summer weight loss nutrition plan is about eating healthy foods that you enjoy at set intervals throughout the day. You will actually find yourself eating all day long! Now that’s already a big improvement over the starvation approach to summer weight loss. You will want to eat 5 or 6 small meals per day spread out every 3 to 4 hours. Each of the small meals should consist of a lean source of protein, which can be found in egg whites, chicken breast, canned tuna, lean fish, lean pork, lean beef, fat-free dairy products and beans. You will also want to eat some complex carbohydrates with each of your first 3 or 4 meals. These are found in oatmeal, whole grain pasta, sweet potatoes and whole grain breads. Finally, throw in some green vegetables at each meal and you will be on your way to a nutritious and filling summer weight loss diet.
The final thing you need to do for your summer weight loss plan is find some physical activities that you enjoy and try to get about an hour of exercise each day. This “exercise” can be anything from dancing to weight lifting to vigorous yard work. The key to your daily exercise plan is to increase your heart rate and burn calories every day. It also wouldn’t hurt to increase your muscle mass a little bit, as muscle burns fat even when you’re resting!
The bottom line is that you have to burn the calories that you eat, otherwise they convert to fat. So, even if you hate traditional exercise, strain your brain to think of something physical that you enjoy enough to commit to it for 1-hour a day during your 6-week summer weight loss program. In the end, you will be glad you did when you’re wearing your short shorts with confidence.
Guest author: Leon Vukov is a bloger and webmaster who writes about weight loss issues and healthy and natural diet pills and weight loss programs. He believes that quality organic weight loss pills along with healthy eating and exercises can benefit your overall health.
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