What will help to keep youth and skin tone?

If you notice a worsening of the skin, urgently supplement your menu with these products. Sea fish: it contains a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which a normal and healthy kind of skin is simply impossible. Seeds, nuts: actively restores all tissues of the body, including skin. Green tea: protects the skin from the negative external effects of ultraviolet rays, temperature changes and cold. Cereal crops and beans: favorably affect the digestive function, help get rid of toxins, activate collagen production. Vegetable oils: improve digestion and accelerate cellular regeneration. Sour milk products: slow down the course of age processes. Avocado: a product enriched with fats and vitamin E. Source: smiruponitke.info * Our content is not designed to provide medical assistance and diagnose specific health problems. We do not replace professional medical advice. Users / readers are always advised to consult their doctor before beginning any health course or treatment. Your Wellness Group does not bear any responsibility if you, the n-gage user and the reader of this article, are suffering from a loss of health as a result of misunderstanding and applying information.

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