5 changes in the diet for longevity and well-being

To live long and at the same time to remain full of energy and strength, every person dreams. Much depends on how and what we eat. For most people, the transition to a healthy diet seems difficult or even unreal. Therefore, many continue to destroy their health by eating habits, which they can not refuse. In fact, the best way to change your eating habits is to do it gradually. In this article, we will look at 5 changes in the diet that will forever change your state of health and prolong your life. 1. Vegetable “revolution”. Replace half of the food from your diet with vegetables, and you will see the difference after a short time. Numerous studies have shown that our digestive tract is better than all the products that are absorbed by the plant. Why vegetables? They contain all the necessary components to maintain the normal functioning of the body. The fact is that nutrients from vegetables are absorbed almost in full, and very quickly fall with blood at the destination. Consumption of a large number of vegetables significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer, supports the cardiovascular system. In addition, almost all vegetables are low-calorie, so they help to keep the weight in the norm. 2. Refusal of sugar. Until invented equipment for the production of refined sugar, people did not know many diseases and lived longer. To understand why it is worth giving up sugar, you need to know how it acts on our body. First, sugar is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system – it forces it to work at the limit of possibilities, and regular overloads necessarily lead to exhaustion. Secondly, sugar affects the production of enzymes, which worsens digestion. Sugar causes premature aging, also through a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system. Instead of sugar it is better to consume the natural products that contain it. It’s fruit and honey – they have enough sugar in them to feel good without disturbing the body. 3. Whole grain. It is difficult to refuse consumption of flour products, but you do not need to do this either. It is enough simply to replace them with useful products that are made from coarse flour, that is, from unrefined grains. The shell of grains contains a lot of useful microelements and vitamins, which do not break down during the heat treatment. Bread with bran is even tastier than the usual white loaf. Such a change in the diet will not only improve your health and prolong life, but also take care of your appearance. 4. White tea. In fact, white tea is a young tea shoot that contains the maximum amount of antioxidants and B vitamins. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, leading to premature aging, and B vitamins activate the immune system. Many people start their day with coffee, which also contains antioxidants. But, the problem is that coffee also contains diuretics, which wash out potassium, calcium and other useful minerals necessary for life support. Lovers of coffee almost always have a problem of reduced hemoglobin. White tea lovers do not have such a problem, but instead they feel vigorous and energetic, and grow old much later. 5. Periodically starve. With a person, nothing will happen if he refuses food for 1 or 2 days a week. On the contrary, periodic fasting allows the body to “reset” all systems and clean up at the cellular level. Everything that we eat and drink, what we breathe, what we feel – it leaves a trace in our body, littering it with slags and other intracellular “garbage”, which produces a toxic effect, worsens well-being and shortens life expectancy. Starvation starts the process of self-cleaning, and this is the most effective of all methods of detoxification. The introduction of these 5 changes will not cause you any discomfort, and you quickly get used to the new rules of nutrition. But, in return, you will get extra time on this earth and good health. Source: www.vitamarg.com * Our content is not designed to provide medical assistance and diagnose specific health problems. We do not replace professional medical advice. Users / readers are always advised to consult their doctor before beginning any health course or treatment. Your Wellness Group does not bear any responsibility if you, the n-gage user and the reader of this article, are suffering from a loss of health as a result of misunderstanding and applying information.

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