The Three-Week Diet: How Does it Work?
The three-week diet, designed by Brian Flatt, is primarily based on food and is supposedly an easy and simple regime to follow. But how does it work? The weight loss package contains brochures which relate to fat loss, in order to educate people on the steps they need to complete in order to achieve a successful weight loss diet. The scheme is aided by workout sessions which have been designed to be quick and efficient so that its followers can achieve the best results in as short amount of time as possible. Expert Brian Flatt has become one of the most recognised names in the diet industry, with his regime being recommended by nutritionists from all over the country thanks to the great results it’s followers have seen.
Flatt has dedicated his life to studying the human body and has identified which diets have the best results on people who seek effortless methods. This technique, shown in his three-week scheme, has enabled people to lose between 12 and 23 pounds, two to four inches from their waistlines and drop up to three dress sizes. Being overweight is dangerous for your health, being linked to various concerns such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, with many experts claiming those in this category should attempt to reach a healthier weight.
However, it’s important that you lose the weight in a safe and healthy manner in order to avoid harmful side effects. If you’re new to weight loss and exercise, you should seek advice from your GP beforehand to ensure that you have no previous health concerns which could be affected by any sudden lifestyle changes. To begin with, eating more fruit and vegetables, as well as cutting back on your intake of fat and sugar, can make a huge difference to your health.
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