Men Prefer Feminine Features for a Fling, Study Finds

You may dislike your masculine facial features, but this is exactly what sets you apart as “wife material”, instead of a casual fling. This is according to a new study, published in the British Journal of Psychology, which found that women’s facial features may determine the length of their relationships, as men who want a quick fling will go for a woman more “feminine” facial features.


Up until now, other sexual health studies have shown that feminine features indicate health, youth, fidelity and other wellness traits in women. Also, if you have feminine features, such as large eyes, a small nose and jawbone and fuller lips and cheeks (just think “Disney Princess”), you’re more likely to have a higher level of the female hormone oestrogen, which is also associated with reproductive success. However, for the new study, the researchers wanted to determine how considering partner for long-term or short-term relationships would affect men’s preference for different women’s faces.


Of the 393 heterosexual men involved in the study, 207 stated they had a current partner. The researchers showed the men 10 paired images of pictures of women. In each pair, one image was altered to give the woman more masculine traits and the other feminine traits. The researchers then asked the participants to rate the most attractive image of each pair, and indicate which was the more attractive for short-term relationships and long-term relationships.


The results of the study showed that women with feminine faces were more appealing for a fling – especially for men who were already in relationships. In a news release, Anthony Little from the University of Stirling commented, ‘There are several possible explanations; perhaps some men are inclined to take a long-term partner whilst still attempting to cheat with other, more feminine, women. Or maybe once a long-term partner is secured, the potential cost of being discovered may increase a man’s choosiness regarding short-term partners relative to un-partnered men.’


However, the researchers wrote in the study that men ‘may actually prefer less attractive/feminine women’ when making long-term choices. Little added, ‘It’s interesting that these findings are comparable to previous research that indicates women’s preference for masculine male faces are higher if they were judging for short-term relationships. Our findings point to a similar preference in men. When they already have a partner, men find more feminine women more attractive for short-term relationships.’

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