Three Ways You Can Make Your Home a Healthier Environment

There are many ways you can make your home healthier for the environment as well as more comfortable to live in. Follow these 3 simple tips to make your home a healthier place to live so you can enjoy your home more successfully.


Window treatments make a huge difference
Your home can be greatly improved by the addition of window treatments that can keep your home cool in the summer, thus reducing your need to run the AC as frequently. Window coverings by Sunburst Shutters help block out light and cool the home naturally without the need for additional cooling. This saves money and reduces energy waste, making your home a healthier environment for everyone.


Clean your vents and change your filters out
Every time you turn your heater or AC unit on, the air goes through your filters to permeate the air. You can ensure that your family isn’t breathing old dust and dander by changing your filters and cleaning out your vents. Doing so helps prevent asthma and allergy related breathing issues, and having clean vents and new filters helps more air push through the home. Dusting on a weekly basis as well helps keep your air healthier even when you do not have your heating or air conditioning units on.


Go green with your cleaning supplies
If cleaning with harsh chemicals is something you are concerned about, then switch out your toxic cleaning supplies for healthier versions. You can buy green and organic cleaning supplies at your local grocery and supply store, or you can make your own cleaning supplies using items you already have. Baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon juice are great cleaning aides for anything from scrubbing floors to cleaning rust off of tile and are completely harmless as well as being inexpensive.


When having a healthier home is a priority, it’s easy to be a little more mindful by making a few small changes around the house. From installing great window treatments to block out the sun’s heat to cleaning simple filters and vents to make the air cleaner for everyone to breathe, it’s easy and inexpensive to make the home a healthier environment to live in. You can change many things or just incorporate a single one of these ideas and immediately notice how much healthier everyone feels. All it takes is simple change to make a large difference in your home.

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