How to Make Sure You Perform Well in the Bedroom
If you are a man, your sexual health and wellbeing is likely tied up in how you perceive your performance in the bedroom to be. For a man to experience good sexual and emotional wellness, he has to feel that he is doing all the right things to keep his partner happy. There are plenty of male enhancement supplements and pills on the market, but there are actually some far easier ways to keep an erection for longer, without having to pay a visit to the pharmacy.
Did you know, for example, that heart health is linked to sexual performance? It stands to reason, of course, because your penis functions on blood pressure. When your brain sends the signal to your penis to get an erection, the blood vessels in the genitals become engorged and of course it is the heart that pumps that blood. When there is a problem with heart function or blood pressure, this blood is not pumped as strongly and the penis can go limp too far ahead of time. It could even mean that you struggle to get a proper erection.
One of the best ways to achieve this is to stay active, as cardiovascular exercise will keep your heart strong and healthy and this will keep the blood pumping and flowing to every area of the body. Exercise that increases your heart rate and keeps it up (so to speak!) for a period of time is the best kind, and experts advise that you take 30 minutes per day of an exercise that makes your break into a sweat.
There are also some foods that are reputed to help with your sexual performance, by keeping the blood flow healthy. They include bananas, chillies and peppers, onions and garlic. In addition to these, any food that has omega-3 fatty acid is great for your heart, along with vitamin B1.
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