Wellness in a Year: Try Our List of 52 Superfoods
With everything from acai berries to whole wheat English muffins, we’ve assembled the top 52 super-foods to help you pick the ones that might benefit your wellness. Add a new super-food to your diet every week, and soon you’ll have a whole arsenal to help you protect your wellbeing.
1. Acai Juice: Rich in anthocyanin, acai boosts the antioxidants that fight diseases in your blood stream.
2. Apples: The content of the antioxidant Quercetin in apples reduce your risk of lung cancer.
3. Avocados: The healthy fat in avocados helps your body to absorb nutrients and promote weight loss.
4. Asparagus: This natural diuretic is rich in bone-building vitamin K.
5. Blueberries: These are great for preventing memory loss.
6. Brazil nuts: One Brazil nut contains an entire days’ worth of selenium, which protects you against heart disease and cancer and boosts your immune system.
7. Blackberries: These are packed with disease-fighting antioxidants.
8. Baked potatoes: The potassium content in baked potatoes helps to lower blood pressure.
9. Barley: This lowers cholesterol and helps the regulate your blood pressure due to fibre and beta-glucan.
10. Bananas: The potassium and resistance-starch fibre in bananas promote weight loss.
11. Broccoli sprouts: These contain 10% more cancer preventing glucoraphanin than regular broccoli.
12. Bran flakes: This cereal promotes heart health and weight loss.
13. Black beans: To promote artery health, you need the protein, fibre and antioxidants found in black beans.
14. Brown rice: Being a great source of magnesium means that brown rice helps in energy production and the strengthening of bones.
15. Brussels sprouts: The glucosinolates in Brussels sprouts fight cancer.
16. Bok choy: This is rich in calcium.
17. Cauliflower: Cancer-fighting glucosinolates are also found in Cauliflower.
18. Collard greens: These are loaded with vitamins and nutrients.
19. Canned pumpkin: This helps you fight cancer with beta-carotene and alpha-carotene.
20. Canola oil: This heart-healthy oil contains alpha-linolenic acid and vitamin E.
21. Dried tart cherries: Anthocyanins work to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.
22. Edamame: The immature soy beans in Edamame lower cholesterol.
23. Eggs: These are high in protein and low in calories.
24. Fat-free milk: You need fat-free milk for your bones, muscles and energy levels.
25. Flaxseed: Flaxseed helps prevent certain types of cancers.
26. Grapes: Thanks to antioxidant resveratrol, grapes work hard to fight diseases.
27. Greek yoghurt: This contains twice as much protein as regular yoghurt.
28: Kiwi: Vitamin C-rich Kiwi reduces asthma symptoms.
29. Lentils: This meat-free protein source is packed with fibre and B vitamins.
30. Mustard greens: Rich in vitamin K, mustard greens bolster healthy bones.
31. Oranges: As well as vitamin C, oranges are rich in calcium.
32. Olives: Heart-healthy monounsaturated fat is found in olives.
33. Oysters: Full of iron, zinc and selenium, oysters help keep the immune system strong.
34. Prunes: These are loaded with bone-strengthening polyphenols.
35. Peanut butter: For blood vessel health, peanut butter provides the amino acid, arginine.
36. Salmon: This is rich in omega-3s.
37. Steel-cut oats: These less-processed oats contain fibre and aid weight loss.
38. Spinach: The vitamin K in spinach promotes strong bones and blooding clotting ability.
39. Strawberries: Loaded with ellagitannins, strawberries prevent certain types of cancer.
40. Sardines: These provide omega-3 fats and vitamin D.
41. Scallops: These are a low calorie source of protein.
42. Shitake mushrooms: Shitake mushrooms are rich in vitamin D.
43. Sweet potatoes: These protect your immune system and vision.
44. Soy milk: A plant protein source with as much calcium and vitamin D as cow’s milk.
45. Sunflower seeds: These have a high vitamin E content.
46. Tea: Black and green tea prevent hardening in your arteries.
47. Tomato sauce: This actually contains more lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
48. Turkey breast: Turkey is a low-calorie source of protein.
49. Wheat germ: This contains vitamin E and selenium.
50. Walnuts: The omega-3 fatty acid found in walnuts – alpha-linolenic acid – improves memory and coordination.
51. Watercress: This packs a huge punch against cancer with it’s cancer-fighting phytochemicals.
52. Whole wheat English muffins: These provide a low-calorie source of fibre.
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