How to Rectify a Shortage of Testosterone
Testosterone is vital for a man’s sexual wellness and wellbeing, but it’s actually far more important than most men realise. A shortage of testosterone could actually cost you your life. Testosterone being low leads to all kinds of unpleasant side effects such as loss of muscle mass, low bone density, low sex drive and even increased risk of heart disease, cancer and death.
This is something that every man should take seriously, and there are some important things you can do to raise your testosterone levels.
One important thing to be aware of is that weight is linked to low testosterone, and the more your waist size goes up, the more your testosterone levels will come down. Just a four point increase in testosterone levels (around 30 extra pounds of body fat on an average 5’10 guy) can actually accelerate the decline of your physical health due to testosterone by up to 10 years. In order to stop this from happening, try a low fat diet and a serious ab-sculpting workout programme.
Another study has also shown recently that men who regularly lift weights, see a phenomenal boost in their testosterone levels. As the muscles get stronger, the body produces more and more testosterone. You need to pump iron twice a week in order to see this kind of benefit.
You should also be wary of cutting out too much fat from your diet. It’s good to cut down on the fat to a large extend, but eliminating all sources of fat can cause the testosterone in your body to plummet. Men who consume fat have high testosterone levels, but you need to make sure that it’s healthy fat such as the fat found in fish and nuts, in order to avoid counteracting all your good work by piling on the pounds.
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