What Everyone Ought to Know About The Clitoris
The clitoris is one of the biggest mysteries about female sexuality and sexual wellbeing. This virtually invisible organ is the root of female sexual wellness, and has become a topic of much discussion in some circles, with many jokes being made about whether or not men are able to find it.
Writers have even written about the clitoris at length, with some even compiling ‘natural laws’ that challenge all previous beliefs about the clitoris, virginity, sex, orgasms and more. There are many little-known and quite fascinating facts about the clitoris. You can read on to educate yourself (but perhaps don’t use these as conversation starters at any dinner parties).
For example, did you know that it wasn’t until 1990 that researchers used an MRI scan to study the sexual function and internal structure of the clitoris, and it was as recently as 1998 that a urologist called Helen O’Connell first published her findings on the true size and scope of the female clitoris?
Also, did you know that there are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, which is double the amount of nerve endings that can be found on the head of a penis? The clitoris is also the only organ that exists in the human body (both male and female) that exists solely for the purposes of providing pleasure (as, of course, the penis is used in urination, too).
Women’s clitorises can change in size throughout their life – and actually becomes four times larger. When a woman is in her mid-thirties, her clitoris is about four times bigger than it was when she was at the start of puberty.
Although it seems quite small, the average clitoris is around four inches long, with most of that being hidden inside the body.
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