The Core Workout: Moves to Tone Those Abs

A very common weight and fitness goal is to improve the appearance of the stomach, and the underlying abdominal muscles. Having a strong core is vital for your wellness and wellbeing, and of course many people are interested in the aesthetic look of having sleep and firm abs.


Unfortunately, the way that many people go about trying to achieve these is through doing multiple crunches every day. This is a big myth, as crunches are really not the way to build sculpted abs and a strong core. Crunches on their own will actually leave you with an imbalanced-looking body, with lower back pain, poor posture and rounded shoulders.


To avoid this happening to you, you need to make sure you do a range of core moves, to give you a sculpted stomach as well as a balanced body, overall.


If you’re limited on time, you can do just 15 minutes working out every day, and then tuck in a second set of 15 minutes if you find you have time later in the day. If you have a good length of time to do your workout then you should aim for around 30 to 45 minutes a few times a week to see a real difference.


Exercises you can do include sprints, wood chop and a straight-arm lat pull to a crunch. Sprints are done on their own but everything else is done as a circuit. When doing circuits you should rest for two minutes between each circuit but not rest at all between moves.


Sprints are just what they sound like running as fast and as hard as you can for 15 to 20 seconds and then resting for two minutes. Many people don’t realise that this is one of the best exercises you can do to help get a great core.

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