The Daily Grind: 5 Common Office Job Work Injuries

Even though an office is not normally considered a dangerous place to work, several safety issues must be addressed in this environment. Most office workers spend at least forty hours per week engaged in performing routine tasks that usually involve sitting at a desk or workstation for extended periods of time. Many jobs require workers to move from place to place within an area that may become crowded or cluttered. Susceptible employees may experience workplace injuries while performing sedentary tasks or when operating office machinery or just simply walking from one place to the next. Because accidents and injuries are so prevalent in office settings, workers should be aware of some of the most common ones.


Repetitive Motion Injuries

These injuries affect the arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs and wrists. The repetitive motions of typing on a computer with a poorly placed keyboard puts stress on certain parts of the body. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common injury related to this type of repetitive motion. Stress placed on the wrist and back can be alleviated with proper placement of the computer monitor and keyboard.



The most common office accident is falling down. According to the Centers for Disease Control, falls represent the most disabling injuries for office workers. Many falls occur as a result of tripping over an open file drawer, electrical cord or loose carpeting and rugs.


Heavy Lifting

Severe injuries can result from improperly lifting heavy items such as boxes of computer paper, equipment or stacks of files. The neck, back and shoulders are especially susceptible to lifting injuries. Back, neck and shoulder injuries are painful and may result in lost hours at work. Many health care providers like Advanced Integrative Health Center specialize in providing integrative health care for these types of injuries. Minimally invasive, natural therapies offer relief for sore and aching muscles associated with lifting injuries and other strains.


Cut and Crushed Fingers

Improper use of the paper-cutter can cause serious injuries to the fingers including cutting and crushing. File and desk drawers that jam or do not close completely can cause crushed fingers.


Electrical Injuries

If not installed properly, office equipment can be dangerous. Electrical shocks can result from equipment that is not properly grounded. A worker can receive a serious shock by coming in contact with electricity. Serious burns can result from these shocks.


Implementing safety standards can help prevent many office injuries. The proper furniture can help eliminate back, neck and shoulder problems. Keeping walkways clear of hazards is vital for providing a safe office environment that protects all employees.

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