SENSA: The Most Talked About Weight Loss Sensation
People are always told that if they want to lose weight, they have to diet and increase their fitness. Although these things definitely do improve your wellness and wellbeing, did you know that there is a way that claims to help you lose weight without dieting?
The SENSA Weight Loss System is rapidly becoming one of the most talked-about weight loss products that is available on the market today. It has been featured in Time Magazine, Dateline NBC and The New York Times, and claims to help users lose weight simply by shaking scented ‘tastants’ over their food. It goes against everything that we have traditionally been taught about dieting, so is it just another senseless weight loss fad, or does SENSA actually work?
Hollywood celebrities have been using SENSA already, with actress Patti Stranger recently claiming to have lost 30 pounds in just 8 months by using the SENSA system. Patti says she noticed her body changing and the weight just falling off her, and the best bit was that she didn’t’ have to count calories, stick to a diet or eat any kind of pre-packaged meals.
SENSA has also been featured widely in the media, because it is such a unique new product. Users of SENSA receive a package containing lots of different types of sprinkles. There are savoury flavours such as onion and parmesan cheese and sweet ones such as bananas and chocolate. Users don’t have to follow a specific diet, but simply have to sprinkle these flakes over anything that they eat. The theory is that the flakes fool your brain through sense of smell into thinking that it is full, leading you to consume fewer calories. Unfortunately, the lack of diet plan and the lack of any corroborating science raises some major red flags about this diet. Most experts still recommend that you stick to a low-calorie diet and do some exercise if you want to lose weight – there really is no magic fix.
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