Five Man Questions Answered by Sexual Health Experts


While girls tend to share sex advice with each other, guys may be a little more cautious about asking about sexual wellness. Luckily, we’ve put your man questions to a bunch of sexual health experts, so you can find the answers you’re looking for.


1. How Do I Minimise My Chances of Getting Caught Having Sex in Public? According to sexpert Stacey Grenrock Woods, ‘When having sex in public, whether by yourself or in a group, one must take stringent precautions to avoid being seen, heard, or unfairly heckled. Dark alleys are great, but there can be some unscrupulous characters about, so make sure you hide the money first. Public parks are also good, and restrooms are perfect.’ Joseph Couture, author of Peek: Inside the Private World of Public Sex, points out that a good public toilet to have sex in will ‘have double doors, because you can hear the first door open, and it gives you a second before they walk through the second door, before they’re actually able to see you.’


2. What’s the Etiquette for Having a Threesome? Grenrock Woods details, ‘Boyfriend manoeuvres toward girlfriend’s hottest friend but settles for anything. Second girl arrives. Intoxicants passed. Guy puts on Roxy Music’s Avalon. Girls dance self-consciously for three to five minutes, kiss. Intoxicants replenished. All disrobe. Girls go at it. Guy waits for opportunity to do as much as possible to other girl while remaining wary of limits of girlfriend’s largesse. Girls go at it. Guy endeavours to remain relevant and not to come. Forty minutes pass. Guy makes grand ejaculatory showing, then retreats to sidelines to watch girls go at it. Guy would like a beer but they’re all gone. Guy wonders what time it is, deliberates options. Three hours pass. Guy reasserts himself into line-up. Girls finish. Taxi summoned. Pleasantries exchanged. Guy and girl left alone to assess evening. Nothing is ever the same.’


3. Do Women Find the Male Member Aesthetically Pleasing? Studies have actually shown that women are more stimulated by visual cues than men. Erick Janssen of the Kinsey Institute notes, ‘Women get turned on by basically anything sexual.’ And Alessandra Rellini, assistant professor in the department of psychology at the University of Vermont, adds, ‘Even if you show them two baboons having sex, they might get aroused.’ As Grenrock Woods points out, ‘Really, if women didn’t find anything attractive about penises, why would we sit around drawing them all day?’


4. How Do You Achieve the Best Results When Filming Yourselves Having Sex? ‘What a glorious time to be a home pornographer,’ says Grenrock Woods. ‘Now anyone with a hard-on and a credit card can be a regular Peter Bigdongovich. Great advances in technology have ushered in a new wave, or Nouvelle Smut, of auteurs who boldly experiment with devices such as night vision to convey themes of isolation and extreme horniness…Many experts, however, recommend that first-timers shoot in a well-lit room.’


5. Why Do I Sneeze Every Time I’m About to Have Sex with My Girlfriend? ‘You most likely have a condition colloquially called “Honeymooner’s Nose,” because “Recently-a-Virgin Fever” doesn’t have quite the same ring,’ Grenrock Woods details. ‘Sexual anticipation sends a signal to increase blood flow in the spongy (and thus erectile) tissues that you use to hoist your erection, but you get so giddy that the signal gets confused and goes to the spongy tissue of your nasal passages, making you sneeze. Reflexes like sneezing, eye tearing, salivation, and lactation have what reproductive endocrinologist Gil Wilshire describes as “lower reflex loops” that sometimes misfire and get all mixed up. It’s what accounts for things like synesthesia, “phantom limbs,” and orgasms for the paralyzed.’


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