Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Sometimes it is easy to forget about vitamins. After all, a lot of us take for granted that we are getting the right levels of vitamins into our bodies from the foods that we eat. It can be easy to focus on the obvious stuff like avoiding…

Can You Cure Cancer With Holistic Treatments?

Cancer is a big problem for society. It’s one of those words that has been engrained in our subconscious – it puts us on edge just hearing it. That’s probably because it is responsible for the death of so many people every year. Just think…

Can Naturopathy Or Herbal Medicine Beat Cancer?

When we think about cancer and the ways to treat it, perhaps our first thought centres around chemotherapy and what it can do to help you fight off the disease. But in trying to resist cancer there are a number of different treatments that…

A-List Diet: How Celebrities Lose Weight

Celebrities are well known for their perfect bodies. It seems to be a part of the celebrity culture, or indeed perhaps just as a more general point of what it takes to become a star these days, that if you want the media spotlight, you need…

Salt: The Bane Of Your Healthy Eating Plan

When we think about ways to live a healthy lifestyle with a great diet there are some obvious things that we can put our finger on as things to avoid. Clearly any medical professional, and probably anyone with common sense, will know that…

Kuna Cocoa Is Good For Your Health- Here’s How!

If someone said to you “chocolate can be great for your health” you might look at them in a strange way and laugh. It’s a fact that we think many things about chocolate – but probably never that it is a health food. There are a number of…

The Foot Problems Associated With Diabetes

Diabetes is a well-known health concern. It’s growing too – type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing conditions in the western world, and that’s thought to be due to increasingly bad diets that people have. The increased levels of fat…