Type One Diabetes and the Constant Burden

When you're dealing with an illness or condition which sets you apart from everyone else it can be difficult to feel 'normal' and secure in yourself. On top of having to manage a condition which alters the way you have to live your life,…

Why you should exercise more as a diabetic

The thing with diabetes is that it's so manageable that people misconstrue it as benign, people think that because diabetics can take certain steps to make their lives and their condition easier all around they're not suffering from a…

Ketoacidosis, what it is and what to look for

Diabetes occurs when the pancreas is unable to process blood-sugar into energy on a cellular level. The hormone which does this is called insulin and in diabetics the body either doesn't produce insulin any more or has become resistance to…

Combating Diabetes with Superfoods

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that prevents your body from using dietary sugar properly, resulting in higher levels of sugar in your blood and urine. Diabetes comes in two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. With Type 1, your body…

7 Ways EMRs Streamline Health Care

The problem of health care is not just one of cost, it’s one of infrastructure. Simply put, hospitals and practices operate inefficiently. The paper transfer of medical records leaves too much room for error, and the patient suffers in the…