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What Does Bowel Cancer Screening Involve?

Though many people don't realise it, colorectal cancer is a common form of this disease - also referred to as bowel cancer, the chances of fighting this condition are far higher if it is caught early. In the UK, a screening programme…

Prostate Exams Could Be A Thing Of The Past

Prostate exams aren’t fun. Anyone who’s ever had one or who knows what one entails will tell you that with a grim tilt of the head and a refusal to meet your eyes. In a time when we’ve done such miraculous things with scanning technology,…

Should You Question Cancer Screening Benefits

Researchers from Denmark have caused controversy by criticising the way the NHS screens us for breast cancer, which could lead us to question the way we're screened. The disease is one of the most common in the UK and threatens the wellness…

Is Diabetes Screening Good Or Bad?

Diabetes can do a lot of damage before it’s caught. If people aren’t aware of their condition then they’ll likely have consistently high levels of blood sugar for a long period of time before any of the larger and much less pleasant…